
Who We Are
OLA is a Physician-owned company. Over the years, OLA has partnered with United Medical Systems and the University Hospital Authority and Trust to ensure the best technology, expertise, and operations are provided to our patients. Our mobile services, ESWL and MR Fusion Services, allow us to reach all Oklahomans via their facility of choice.

How We Started
Oklahoma Lithotripter Associates, L.C. (OLA), was formed by a group of Oklahoma Urologists in 1985 to bring Lithotripsy to the State of Oklahoma. Partnering with the Free Methodist Deaconess Hospital leaders to form the Oklahoma Lithotripsy Center, the first Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL) was performed on a Dornier HM3 lithotripter on the Deaconess campus in 1986. The company expanded to the Oklahoma Urology and Surgery Center in 1997 and subsequently the Oklahoma Kidney Stone Center in 2009. OLA has become a premier provider of ESWL for kidney stone treatments through their mobile ESWL services for many years.